Alison came to Spring Arbor University in the Fall of 2015. She initially instructed the Research course for our BSN program and transitioned into teaching for our MSN program. She has taught Advanced Pathophysiology, Advanced Health Assessment, Health Promotion Across the Lifespan, and Family Systems and Clinical Management of the Childbearing Family. Her clinical experience is varied. She practiced as a Registered Nurse for 6 years before obtaining her certification as a Nurse Practitioner with most of that experience being related to cardiology. She has been practicing as a nurse practitioner since 2010 with experience in family practice and urgent care. She helped to open a successful adolescent health clinic in Three Rivers, Michigan funded by the Michigan Department of Community Health Adolescent Health Initiative. She maintains an active clinical practice at Bronson, Kalamazoo.
MSN, Emory University
BSN, Michigan State University
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